
Take advantage of free online resources to stay spiritually fed.


Perhaps you can work through our basic discipleship class as a family, listening to the talks, talking through the Reflection Questions, or even journal with the free Student's Guide PDF.
Life is a Journey is a great starting point.
The 52 Major Stories of the Bible class is an excellent Bible study, introducing your children to the major people and events of the Bible.

Take Your Small Group Online

You and your small group can enroll in a class and create a private online group where you can have discussions. Simply enroll and select "Enroll and create a private group." This generates a group code that you can share with the rest of your small group, who will Enroll and select "Enroll, and join an existing group."

Have you ever talked through the process of what it is to grow spiritually?
Enroll in Basics of Spiritual Growth.
Or perhaps you could use this period of time to make sure all of you are clear on what you believe and why.
Enroll in A Guide to Christian Beliefs.
If you lead a small group, you would benefit from the seminar on Small Group Dynamics.

There are also many different seminars that might be of interest to you, such as our seminars on world religions and how Christians can relate to people of other faiths such as,

Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Gospel Salvation, and Other Religions