SUNDAY August 15
Many Christians try to handle the Bible as if it was God’s great encyclopedia—a topical index of human problems and corresponding divine solutions; an easy answer guide to navigate life.
But when you go to Scripture looking for specific issues, you might not find it explicitly referenced between Genesis and Revelation. (For example, a midlife crisis, teenagers, social media, a global pandemic, and many, many others).
Frustrated and wanting to correct what is perceived as a “not relevant Bible”, many have tried to create the answers to fit the current situation. Even more, a lack of serious, meditating, disciplined personal study of God’s precious truth have left Christians disarmed to give Bible answers to current situations. So we cliche' each other to death. Stuff just gets made up and accepted because it feels good and doesn’t rock our boat.
Faith Can Fix Anything (you should see my car)
Let your Conscience be your Guide (Whoa, I’ve seen some really seared consciences)
God has a Blueprint for my Life (can you really fathom that?)
Christians Shouldn’t Judge (at least not out loud)
Forgiving means Forgetting (you should see my thoughts)
A Valley means a Wrong Turn (I missed the sign post)
Dead People go to a Better Place (except Hitler)
Let go and let God (hang on to your hat)
Heaven will be Boring (have you actually read through the Bible?)
The God of Scripture is not the hero of myth. He is not the projection of weak minds who need something more to depend on than themselves. On the contrary, He, the creator, sustainer, and ruler of all that is, is the only being in the universe worthy of our worship; our attention.
The revelation of God in Scripture is the only place to find real hope for absolutely every area of life. He is the only one who is at once entirely above everything that we face (Ephesians 4:6) yet intimately familiar with all of it (Psalm 139:3, Hebrews 4:15). We run to him because he is Lord over it all and has the power to help.
Only when we see the world as broken, ourselves as sinners, God in all his glory, and the completeness of the Redeemer’s work, can we have a balanced and functionally worthwhile perspective on anything and everything!
Join us this summer.